Free 5G Training

This unique opportunity is brought to you by Jose Costa-Requena from Cumucore Finland, a seasoned expert in the field, who is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise. Whether you’re a student, a professional in the telecom industry, or simply someone fascinated by the possibilities of 5G, we invite you to join us for this transformative training experience. The Project brings together six renowned European universities, each with extensive expertise in the field of future networks and committed to democratize access to cutting-edge advancements in future networks, focusing on 5G and beyond. Selected participants who fill out the questionnaire will have the unique opportunity to participate in these courses, gaining hands-on experience with the equipment provided. -The training is also open to Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro participants.

Data e nisjes se trajnimit: April

Afati i fundit i aplikimit: 20.02.2024